How to make your name Wallpaper || Hello friends, nowadays people like to put their name wallpaper on their mobile or computer screen. That’s why we search online how to make your name wallpaper? But let us tell you that making your name wallpaper is a very easy task.
You do not even need any technical knowledge for this. If you are reading this post then it means that you also want to know how to make wallpaper with your name. So continue reading the post, in this how do we make you 3D Name Wallpaper from mobile?
Along with this, we are going to give complete information about how to make wallpaper of your name in Jio Phone. And we are also going to tell you about your name wallpaper making app. So let us now know about it in detail.
How to make your name Wallpaper
I am going to tell you 2 ways to make your name wallpaper here. In which in one way how we will make wallpaper with name from website and in other way how to make wallpaper with name from app. You can use whichever of these methods you feel is appropriate.
How to make your name Wallpaper From Website
Here I will tell you about a website that people use the most. And it is very easy to make your name wallpaper or DP from this website. So let’s know about it step by step.
- 1. First of all, search by typing Name Wallpaper in any browser of your mobile.
- 2. Now many websites will come in front of you. Out of these, open the website from
- 3. As soon as the website is opened, you will see a box in which enter your first name and create 3D.
- 4. Write your name in this box and click on Make 3D button shown next
- 5. Now the time of 5 seconds will come. After this you will see wallpapers with names in different backgrounds.
- 6. Click on the wallpaper you want to download. Now a mobile screen will open in front of you in which the name Wallpaper will appear. To download the image, click on the Get Image button below it.
- 7. After this a new page will open. In it click on the button of Download Free Version.
- 8. After this the wallpaper will open, below it you will see the download link, click on it. Now your wallpaper will be downloaded successfully.
Note:- Watermark will come in it after downloading from free version. If you don’t want watermark in your wallpaper, you will have to buy its premium version.
How to make your name Wallpaper Website List
If you face any problem in making name wallpaper from the website mentioned above, then I am telling the name of another website here. You can use them.
How to make your name Wallpaper From App
- 1. Now I am going to tell you about one of the best app that makes 3D live wallpaper. This app has got 4.4 rating on playstore and it has been downloaded by more than 50 lakh people. From this you can understand how popular this application is.
 Play Store App :- Download
- 2. First of all download the app named 3D My Name Live Wallpaper from Google Playstore.
- 3. Now open it in your mobile. As soon as it is opened, the option of My Name Here will come in front of you. Enter your name here and click OK.
- 4. After this you will see the option of setting at the top, click on it. Now here you will see the option of Font, click on it.
- 5. You will get a choice of seven different fonts. Choose whatever font you like.
- 6. After this, if you want to change your name, then you can do it by clicking on the option of edit text. Apart from this, you can adjust the speed of the live wallpaper from here.
- 7. Now click on Set Live Wallpaper option. After this, once again click on the option of set wallpaper.
- 8. After this you will see the option of Home Screen and Home and Lock Screen. Click on wherever you want to set your wallpaper. Now your live wallpaper will be set successfully.
How to make your name Wallpaper || Apps List
Apart from the above mentioned apps, you can also use these apps to make name wallpaper.
- My Name Live Wallpaper
- Name Art & Name Live Wallpaper
- My Name 3D Live Wallpaper
- Stylish Name Maker 3D
- Free Name wallpaper HD Creator
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Conclusion: Friends, this was the information about “How to make your name wallpaper”. I hope that with the methods of making these name wallpapers, you will not have any problem in making good wallpapers very easily. In both the methods, we have also given the options of websites and apps, so that next time you do not have to search on Google how to make wallpaper with your name, but get all the information in one post. Along with this, if you like this information of ours, then definitely share it with your friends on social media. Thank you..!!